Sunday, November 1, 2009

Scrounging on an old Farm

We have friends that own a large old farm. There are several old dump areas way in the back over their long stone wall. They were nice enough to let me and Eddie look for bottles and other interesting things. We went for a little while this weekend, and this is what we hauled out. These items were very close to the surface so we know there is much more to be found. We love old bottles and already have hundreds of them at home. We have an open invitation to come back and look for more. They asked that we do let them know if we find a big treasure like a can of gold coins! We had so much fun and a relaxing time together.


  1. Lucky you! How fun and exciting to see what treasures are waiting to be found.

  2. wow.. what a fun thing to do... I grew up on a farm where we would find things like that... every piece of broken pottery was a treasure.
