I recently discovered the website
http://www.freecycle.org/ and joined my local group. On my very first day I scored these great windows. The person had found them on the side of the road herself several years ago and never used them. They are moving and needed to get rid of them. Great luck for me. On the same day, I also scored a complete set of kitchen cabinets, countertops and center island. These were from a woman who has cancer, lost her job and has to sell her house to move in with her daughter. A kitchen upgrade was done to get the house sale ready and her old cabinets are now in her way. Eddie and AJ are going to pick them up on Friday. We will use them in the garages and AJ's animal area. I suggest that you check out your local freecycle site. It is great for getting rid of and acquiring great things!
Told you Freecycle was awesome! You've done awesome for just getting involved...jealous of those windows :)